Sunday, 13 November 2011

Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild-explained

Get your motor running
In modern motor vehicles there is no need for the elaborate performances of yester-year such as using a starting handle, charging up the battery in the kitchen overnight, pre-heating, attempted jump starts or intentionally parking on a downward slope. The exercise of getting your motor running is only a one key turn or push button start away. Do not leave the engine idling unnecessarily or the car unattended when the engine is on.   

Head out on the highway
This, of course assumes that you have carried out your pre-journey checks for tyre pressure, level of coolant and wash-wipe reservoirs, function of lights and level of petrol guage. Be aware of your own state of mind and physical welfare, avoiding a trip if still intoxicated from the night before, overtired or grumpy. Be careful if reversing out of the driveway, particularly attentive to the presence of small children and domestic pets.

Looking for Adventure

Within expectations of course. For example, a simple run to the local shops has little scope for excitement. Most modern adventures in motoring involve seeking out lavatories, petrol stations, motorway rest areas and avoiding road works and traffic congestion. Consult the latest edition of 'Readers Digest Map of the Road' or download a relevant App to your smartphone.

In whatever comes our way

A cavalier attitude is all very well but have consideration for your passengers who, if only expecting a trip to Tesco's, may become uncomfortable if you decide to impulsively drive to see the Minkie Whales off Bangor, North Wales, the Lost Gardens of Heligan or to try and find Cilla Blacks' house near Blackpool. If you get excited by finding a lost, still wrapped Everton toffee under the drivers seat then you will not be disappointed in any journey.

Yeah, darling
This is an optional term of endearment very much depending upon your relationship with the occupants of the car. Not recommended if you have volunteered to ferry elderly strangers to a Church Social.

Gonna make it happen

I am a bit wary of promising too much based on past and bitter disappointments. There are so many intangibles that could negate even the best intention to 'make it happen'.

Take the world in a love embrace
OOo-Err. Potentially three penalty points on your driving licence for an activity that is likely to involve taking one or more hands off the steering wheel.
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space
OOo-Err again. Firearms Licence issues and exposure to being Taser'd spring to mind on this one. If your pre-trip checks were thorough enough you will have largely avoided potential for a mishap leading to such an unfortunate and inconvenient chain of events.

I like smoke and lightning
In the context of 'Top Gear Live' this is acceptable but in any other everyday activity I would disagree with this particular statement.
Heavy metal thunder
Those who drive around, windows down, playing very loud rock music can be annoying. I do like to listen to compilation CD's which have a good beat to while away the hours and miles. The film scores of John Barry, recently deceased, or Danny Elfman's incidental music to many of Fox TV's shows are recommended.

Racing in the wind

Such practices are now regarded as anti social notwithstanding obvious danger. My Volvo estate was susceptible to catching a cross wind and at motorway speeds that could be quite alarming. The elevated M62 bridge at Goole is particularly exposed to prevailing westerlies.
And the feeling that I'm under

Some prescription medicines do warn about drowsiness and to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery. Anyway, I doubt if the UK economy has any heavy machinery left to operate. Depression through normal life, stress from financial strains and sunlight deficiency disorder can affect concentration levels whilst driving.. Please desist from thinking about taking a few pedestrians or the shop front of Morrisons with you if contemplating ending it all. Crumple and Impact features in modern vehicles may just leave you with an insurance excess to pay, a lump on the head and temporary vision impairment from being embedded in an air-bag.

Yeah, darling
Gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space

You know my firm views on these issues.

Like a true nature child
In the interests of political correctness I must decline from getting into a debate on this subject. I am still under an Injunction for misjudging the zone allocated for Naturists at Bridlington, which to my surprise at the time did not include parts of the town centre shopping area.

We were born, born to be wild

I could debate literally for hours on ' nature versus nurture', creationism and Darwinism. I think that even if we are born a bit uncivilised a lot can be said for developing good manners and a social etiquette. Clean shoes, well pressed trousers and tidy hair still say a lot about a person even if they do not own their own home, for example.

We have climbed so high
Not in a pushy or nouveau riche way but through hard study at school, passing the Eleven plus, attending Grammar School and going to a Polytechnic on a vocational course. I aspired to a Volvo at quite an early age. Unless this just refers to my recent ascent of Scafell Pike in the English Lake District.

Never want to die
The Co-Operative do have a very good savings scheme to make the inevitable that much more comfortable.

Born to be wild
Born to be wild
Hard to believe but this song has an uncanny resemblance to my own lifestyle.

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