Wednesday 6 May 2015


A recent survey, one of those that emerges with great frequency whenever there is a quiet news week or a need to fill up a PC screen or newspaper column, provided yet another insight on how much time we spend on specific activities during our lifetime.

Taking an average life expectancy of 75 years in which there would be 613,200 hours we can expect to indulge in the following:

In key activities we will sleep for the equivalent of 26 years but also lie awake for a further 7 years.

Men allegedly use some 11 months in a lifetime to indulge in staring at women, apparently mostly in supermarkets. Other ogling grounds could as easily be whilst waiting 27 days for public transport or the 90 days of being stuck in traffic in our own car.

In spite of having a working life, if fortunate, from say age 20 to retirement only around 10.3 of the ensuing years are actually taken up within the confines of a workplace. In addition to this we could spend 2 years in meetings and expend 4 years of our time on the phone dealing with business calls.

When not earning a living we will spend 8.5 years doing the shopping, 11 years watching television, 3 years washing clothes, 4.4 years taking meals but 17 years dieting and sit surfing the internet for 5 years. Although changing as technology is thrust upon us, this could mean that over a lifetime some 34 years are spent with digital exposure of some kind or other.

Our reliance, in particular on a mobile phone for social media, calls and reference to data could mean that we check the gadget approaching 6 million times in our three quarter of a century occupation of the planet.

In between meaningful activities it will take a year to look for missing keys, spectacles, the TV remote and loose change.

It is a sobering thought that 93% of our time will be spent indoors.

136 days will have to be allocated for getting ready (women) and 46 days for the menfolk.

Almost exclusive to the male of the species is 4 months of shaving but more than offset by 12 months for a woman to decide what to wear and 1.5 years of hair styling.

Happy things also feature.

The 1950's generation apparently laughed more than we would be expected to in 115 days.

Romance will take up 27 days which is a bit of wooing indeed and in our love life we can anticipate 9 hours of ecstasy of which about 90 minutes could include a bit of toe-curling pleasure.

With no correlation to the above how would you like to have to complain for the equivalent of 5 months?

Bodily functions, of course, feature.

Perhaps a bookshelf in the loo would be useful to wile away the 91 hours spent in the smallest room.

74 hours absent from work through illness seems a bit light given that we think of a duvet day more often than as not.

When not incapacitated our meagre 7% of time not indoors could be dedicated to exercise or at least for 43 hours in a lifetime.

Must go now, having to date spent, in my estimation about 56 days writing my blog....and counting.

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