Tuesday 18 October 2016

Syd. The Diary. #2

July 2016

I am such a busy bod. Early July and Grandpa carries me around shoulder high. My world looks really good from up there. His head is a bit like mine at the moment. I go to see the new house of Uncle Chris and Auntie Sarina but their Astroturf messes with my perception of what grass should be. I am posed for a photo between two strange country folk, beardy weirdos in the garden. My diet is amazing and I drink some water melon juice for the first time. I just want to be into everything but Dad says that I should not touch the artwork in galleries. That's no fun at all. I cannot see the attraction of just standing and looking at that fine art stuff. Mum and Dad remain entertaining and at the Oxo Tower we play see saw. We all flop out together when they get over tired.

August 2016

That Ragnar Kjartansson is something else and the Barbican exhibition is quite inspiring if you like roody doodies.  It is Dad's Birthday this month and I offer to shell out at The Hoxton but pockets on baby clothes must be an extra spec. I get to see some interesting buildings like the Serpentine Pavilion. Give me a couple of years and I'll be able to climb up that easy.  I'm globetrotting again and I get some pool time in Tarragona in that Spain place. My RUN DMC tee shirt goes down well with my posse. The beach sun is really hot . Bods with my complexion have to cover up well. It is a nice time with Mum and Dad.

September 2016

Where have cup cakes been for the first 11 months of my life? They are scrummy.  I am now able to stand up at the rides and things in my local park. I am under pressure to decide on a football team to support. Dad says Liverpool and Grandpa Simpson likes Queen Spark Angels and a team called Right-on. It's full on with fashion and I am already at my second Preen show held in a long corridor this time.  At the end of the month I tag along at a grown-up's holiday by the seaside in Kent. There is a funny stretched out hairy dog on the guest list called Archie. He has a damp smell when he comes in from a walk. "The Gang" as they call themselves act a bit silly but it is lovely to see Mum and Dad relax. I am not sure about floorboards where they are just painted over.

October 2016

Small coloured flags appear in the holiday house. There must have been some power cuts or a pay rise for those in "The Gang" just about January 2015 as Nilou, Margie and Izzy are all the same age as me  Does that make us baby boomers?  I have a nice long run up to my Big Day with a full weekend of activities in West Sussex and Nanna has made an escape from Up North to join us all.

It is all balloons and cake for me. The presents are amazing and I shall have great fun with all of them, but especially the noisiest.

I am now One and everything is possible, or at least after my nap.

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