Saturday, 5 December 2020

Sits Vac Hull 1912

The depth of mayhem and economic uncertainty, over and above the tragic loss of life, in the global Covid 19 Pandemic, has forced many to seek alternative forms of employment in order to support their families and dependants. 

There has been a media campaign by the UK Government to demonstrate that those finding themselves in a stricken sector such as the Arts and Commerce should think about retraining. 

The example used in the TV information film was a Ballerina who, it was suggested, could readily be a Cyber-specialist. 

The type and range of jobs has changed radically in the last 100 or so years in this country with the decline of traditional heavy industry, dramatic reductions in staffing levels due to mechanisation and a shift in consumer tastes and demands. 

We are within these shores a Service Industry rather than making anything. 

As an interesting exercise I thought about the employment opportunities of the generation of my Grandparents which was in the momentous early years of the then new 20th Century and across the tumultuous times of two World Wars, a Great Depression and a lot of social and economic changes. 

The following is taken from a newspaper in my home city, Kingston Upon Hull from the year 1912 and specifically the Situations Vacant columns.

Wanted at once, strong errand boy. Taylors Grocers, 445 Hessle Road

Smart Lad, age about 15 to drive pony. Apply between 9 and 5, 36 Witham, Hull

Youth over 18 as Improver for Bakehouse with reference. R Smith. 53 Princes Avenue

A well educated youth is required by firm of Chartered Accountants. Knowledge of shorthand essential. Address 224 "Mail", Hull

Smart Boy who has just left school for Steam Trawling Company Offices. Address 913 Mail, Hull

Wanted at once- Lady Tracer. Apply Rosedowns and Thompson Ltd, Cannon Street, Hull

Wanted. Suite Frame Maker and Apprentice also machinist and improver to work fret machine. Spence, 54a North Street, Hull

Wanted. Clean, strong Housemaid. Apply 268 Anlaby Road.

Wanted. Housemaid and Waitress. Four in family. Apply 389 Beverley Road, Hull

Useful Day Girl. Apply Monday after 6pm. 4 Westminster Avenue, Holderness Road

Single handed Housemaid, needlework, country, Church of England, good refs required. Mrs Cooper, Glynhill, Hessle

Wanted; An experienced Bodice Hand. Apply E Holland 467 Anlaby Road

Wanted; Good plain cook, family three, help afternoons. Three Maids kept. Wages £26. Reply by letter. Mrs Pawley, Quarrybank, Hessle

Useful help, 24 to 30 wanted. Sympathetically disposed, domesticated, sewing and taking lady out in bath chair occasionally. Maid kept. Apply 21 Marlborough Avenue between 5.30 and 8.30

General washing and cooking. refs, sleep out. Apply 129 De La Pole Avenue (After 6pm)

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