Wednesday 31 July 2019

And they’re off!!

This is a transcript of a short Monologue by the Manchester Comic Genius, Al Read (1909-1987) in his unique style of observational humour that made him a Superstar in Variety Programmes in the 1950's and 60's.

His natural talent was brought to the attention of the public after being heard at a conference for his employees. His day job was in the family firm who were makers of sausages and meat products.

At his peak some 35 million tuned in weekly for his broadcasts. The Comic Monologue as various characters and delivered in Lancashire dialect was his trademark.

This one, entitled an expose on Gambling is set in the home of a regular and hapless character played by Read who is about to pick up the phone to speak to the local Betting Shop. Alluded to in the background is his wife.

Open that paper at the Racing Page and give it to me in me other hand. 

I'll get it straight with this Bookie once and for all.

Hello, yes it's me again. I just wanted to check before the off.

That's two bob on Peddlars Joy in the 3.30 instead of the one you said was scratched and a shilling each way double Lazarus the Second providing Pigott is riding and doesn't wear blinkers.

Yes, yes, yes.just a minute, just a minute.

(conversation directed to wife)

What was that horse your mother had in bed? Yes, when she had that dream and woke up.  

No not Flaming Idle- that's what she called your father.

No, did so well on its last time out, came in 12th but had a cough.

Just a minute, no we've another half crown yet.

I hope you've doubled it with that we're having in the 4.15 or the 1.45 and trebled it both ways up and down for a win on Pompad, Pompadoo, Pompadoro in the 4.15, 

Yes. Only we've got three bob on that and its carrying overweight.

Only I see from the paper the Jockey's very confident. 

A cocky what?

Oh yes, well the Owner's backing him but I'm a bit doubtful about the Trainer.

Pardon, just a minute. 

(Directed to wife)

He said would you like to talk to the horse?

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