Thursday 27 August 2015

Disturbance in the Force

Brief synopsis;



The scheming franchisees of the Wonderful World of Disney are once again active.

In a strange disturbance in The Force, Luke Skywalker, now aged 40, is called

 to rescue Princess Jasmine from the scheming  Miley  Cyrus whose powerful

 alter ego, H Montana is exploiting the sentiments of the gullible members of

the followers of Mickey Mouse. In a bold takeover of Lucas Film there

beholds a virtually limitless universe of 17,000 characters, thousands

of planets and a timeline of 20,000 years to drive continued film

releases. Oh, dear. The Empress, Kathleen Kennedy is in

peril from spotty faced executives whose idea of  movies

is based on a diet of animation and product placement.

Luke,  aboard  the  Cadillac Falcon,  accompanied in

song by cute furry animals and a regenerated Mary

Poppins moves against forces of arch villain

Winnie the Pooh at his 100 acre wood

stronghold. Faced with strange forces

of bedknobs and broomsticks there

is a massacre of integrity and any

credibility left in an organisation

run by a group of Muppets.

Luke is killed off as he is

now too old to appeal

to an under 10's age

group. His place

is taken by a




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