Friday 20 November 2015

The Syd Lectures. #1

Hello Syd,

we have not met yet but I thought it would be nice to impart to you some of the knowledge and experience from my own life.

You never know, it may be useful to you at some point, hopefully helpful or at least a guide about what not to do in certain circumstances.

I have drawn on memories and events from a number of points in my life and I have tried to put these in some sort of chronological order rather than on the criteria of importance.

In the first of my Syd Lectures I will cover the crucial period of 0 to 7 years.

Here goes;

Look after your hair, shampoo regularly using a mild soapy mix, Johnson's is a good brand

Dress like a little boy then those commenting casually will not think you are a girl

At the seaside do not try to fill your bucket with water from a perilous slip way

Do not go bright red and feel guilty every time a policeman speaks to you

Too much Sour grape flavour juicy fruit chewing gum will make you sick

Always hold onto a climbing frame with two hands when showing off to girls

Even if encouraged by your peers, do not ask your mummy what "Spunky" means

Playing kiss catch with girls is ok even if you know you can run faster

If pushing a younger child on a large proper bike, do not let go at speed (ask Auntie Susan)

Do not charge money for the neighbourhood kids to feel a fractured skull (as above)

It is right to feel strange when seeing two women fighting on a beach in Norfolk

If a local building burns down, stick to the story that you had nothing to do with it

Faking a tummy ache to skive off school inevitably means having to catch up later

As above, watching daytime TV black and white films is no substitute for an education

Always defend Baked beans over spaghetti hoops

If in a motor scrap yard with your daddy do not fill your pockets with car bonnet badges

The red line on the bottom of the shallow end of a swimming pool means deeper water

Do not remark out loud on the nasal hair of an elderly female spinster auntie

Wear home made hand knitted jumpers with pride , other children are just jealous

Christmas presents from old ladies are exactly what you wanted, alright!

Never allow yourself to be volunteered to be Joseph in a pre-school Nativity play

If you take all of your best toy cars to school on an activity day, they will get stolen

Do not get caught inviting yourself to tea at a best friends house

An electrical socket on a Christmas tree may be finger sized but it is not meant for that

Pets do die

Adult False teeth can sometimes be left in the same drawer you expect to find goodies

A Superhero outfit can be made from nothing and will save your parents a fortune

Wearing a dickie bow tie can be cool

Go with the flow if introduced to playing a musical instrument, excepting a descant recorder

It is normal for hot milk to come out of the nasal orifice

Enjoy the music played by your mummy and daddy. It will be special to you later on in life

to be continued....

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