Sunday 9 December 2018

Dressing up box for the over 50's

In these days of dressing down and casual wear I am probably quite a rarity in that I have four, yes four suits to my name.

Two of these are my daily business attire and I rotate them on a regular basis as my line of work in the inspection of buildings, all types of them, does attract general dirt, grime and other unidentified residues.

This means regular expenditure on dry cleaning with one or the other out of circulation for the duration.

The third of my suits is now rarely worn as it is what the Americans would refer to as a Tuxedo or what us Brits just call a dinner or dress suit.

It used to be out of the back of the wardrobe every few months on the occasion of formal gatherings, evening socials and at New Years Eve but there are not the same levels of interaction and networking of this older and, lets face it, generally male orientated type.

In those far off days an event requiring formal evening wear often meant that the entertainment would include an exhibition of boxing and a stripper.

In hindsight all of that was a bit crude, rude and lewd but it certainly went on as an important part of an often charitable endeavour or fund raising drive for many a good and worthy cause.

As for my fourth suit, well, that is worn even less frequently than the smart black grown up one as it is, I am proud to admit, a Father Christmas one.

I have written about my Santa impersonations a few times in the last couple of years after I splashed out on, or rather invested in, a plush version in 2016 to introduce the children of our Iranian friend to the customs of Christmas in what was their first experience of the Festivities in this country.

That led to some appearances in my daughter's shop on a couple of afternoons in the crazy consumer days in mid December, a Boxing Day trip to a coastal resort to surprise my Mother in Law who was away on a themed hotel break and the giving out of presents to family.

In between I made impromptu appearances at a petrol station, local supermarket and from behind the steering wheel as I made my way around the various engagements. Those transient moments were perhaps the best to elicit warm and appreciative reactions from those who saw me.

Last years short season included a few more retail support opportunities and a meet and greet, on a pre-arranged basis with children amongst Mother in Laws neighbours.

I have just retrieved the box containing the suit from the loft space for the 2018 run up.

Fortunately it has not been attacked by moths or nested in by squirrels and remains resplendent in its faux fur red with white trim. The white wig and beard set are a bit tangled and matted but should comb out quite well to a better state of presentation.

As I wrote about a couple of weeks ago I have upgraded from the originally supplied overshoe covers to a pair of proper shiny black boots, zip up to the side and topped with thick fur effect.

That should add to the outfit as the basic covers could not really conceal whatever footwear I happened to find most comfortable at the time.

I think that the white gloves and thick but cheap looking black belt will be the next to be replaced for next year but should just about last out the two or three appointments that I have pencilled into my diary in the 14 days left before Christmas Day.

It is all very exciting and I admit to having tried everything on under the smallest excuse just to feel the buzz and anticipation of stepping out in the persona of a great and beloved character.

See what I mean about the boot covers
Inspired by watching "Christmas Chronicles" available on Netflix. Kurt Russel? No competition.

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