Monday 17 December 2018

English Lesson 2

Yet more of the clever word juggling and definition bending offerings of English words as given to the world by the participants of the BBC Radio Show, "I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue" since it burst onto the airwaves in 1972.

The list comes from a great compilation by a particular fan of the show plus a few enthusiastic additions.

I apologise to actual students of English for this bit of humour which is irreverent, politically incorrect and downright confusing.

The B's

Beaverbrook- a nude bathing area

Beatitutde- pose adopted by an insect prior to pollinating a plant

Baptist- a junior hamburger chef

Banshee- a typical golf club committee member

Balderdash- what you have to do when your wig blows off in high winds

Baloney- disappointing skirt length

Boutique- protest against environmentally unfriendly hardwood

Biology- the study of why women shop

Bordello- unenthusiastic greeting

Bedlam- very favourite sheep

Bloodless Coup- an anaemic pigeon

Bulldoze- fall asleep during a Party Political Broadcast

Bouffant- surprising typeface

Blame- walking with a blimp

Buttercup- face down

Barricade- helpline for soldiers

Brandish- meal with high roughage content

Bigotry- lumberjack boast

Bacteria- returning more upset than when you left

Bigamist- denser than usual misty weather

Bishoprick- unpopular clergyman

Barometric- European standard garden implement

Bile- Australian hay

Biopsy- organic gypsy

Biro- act of purchasing caviar

Boa Constrictor- truss worn by a South African of Dutch ancestry

Brouhaha- a jolly tea party

Bustard- a rude driver of public transport

Buttress- interrupting woman

Buzzard- energetic TV quiz game

Boomerang- show displeasure of a soft dessert

Baltimore- second helpings in an Indian Restaurant

Bacchanalian- support for Martians

Bin Men- sex change waste operatives

Buggery- a study of insects

Biosphere- scared of writing your own personal profile

Binge- where Sean Connery puts his rubbish

Bigamy- proud to be stout

Bloater- Japanese straw hat

Benign- what it will be after 8 O'Clock

Baltic- lice on the testicles

Biceps- sexually ambivalent mushrooms

Bias- street vendor cry

Beforehand- losing a finger

Battleaxe- constipation medicine for bats

Baghdad- type of satchel for males

To be continued................................

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