Monday 24 June 2019

A Revenge Hit on behalf of Cock Robin.

on a re-run of the BBC Radio Show "The Museum of Curiosity". I have pieced it together from various contemporary sources although there is quite an inconsistency and contradiction in the various accounts on record. 
a Dutch television show produced by the Endemol Company set in motion a chain of 4,155,476 dominoes in a Guinness Verified World Record.

Everything should have been fairly straight forward but the organisers conceded that the event was overshadowed by the earlier shooting of an errant sparrow.

The sparrow was killed by an exterminator with an air rifle just four days before the record attempt following its entry into the venue where rehearsals were under way and the accidental  knocking down of some 23,000 dominoes. 

The killing was seen by many as an overreaction purely in the commercial interests of a bit of pointless entertainment and angered animal rights and bird protection groups.

Critically the house sparrow, though commonly seen, is classified as an endangered species in the Netherlands. Its population has halved in the past 20 years to less than 1 million breeding pairs, due to human encroachment on its territory and other climate and environmental influences.

The show’s creator referring to the dead bird, said  “We all feel terrible about what happened,”

More than 5,000 people signed a Condolence Register on an impromptu Web site set up to honour the bird.

“I just wish we could channel all this energy that went into one dead sparrow into saving the species,” said the head of the Dutch Bird Protection agency in an appeal for calm.

The sad event at the domino record was not the end of the affair. There had been an attempt to catch the Sparrow (passer domesticus) in a humane way using sticks and nets before resorting to the violent means to avoid disruption to the television schedules. 

Shortly afterwards an animal rights agency took the bird’s killer to Court and he was fined 200 Euros. 

There continued to be a public outcry with populist support and even to this day the shooter is still receiving threats to his life. 

Above all the poor sparrow,although losing its life in such an unnecessary way, has had the last word.

The avian hero has pride of place in the Natural History Museum in Rotterdam as a stuffed exhibit under the theme of dead animals with a backstory. 

Yes, it is mounted on a box of dominoes.

* from the English Nursery Rhyme "Who killed Cock Robin ?........"I, said the Sparrow"

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