Thursday 6 February 2020

I've Never been Spartacus

I am sorry to hear about the passing of Kirk Douglas at the great age of 103 years old.

He leaves behind a fantastic legacy of acting and philanthropy which goes far beyond his filmography alone.

What he has taken with him is, of course, that dimple in his chin.

He has referred to it not as a dimple but simply a hole but nevertheless it and him will be greatly missed.

It was quite a facial feature giving extra ruggedness to an already craggy and characterful visage. Not everyone could have carried it so well and indeed in any lesser talent it may have been more of a hindrance making it difficult to secure an audition, a call back or any sort of sustainable career on the big screen or under the footlights.

I have been trying to find out how Kirk Douglas got the dimple.

Early years photos and indeed into his teens show no sign of the distinctive feature and so it must have been the consequence of an accident , botched surgery or even an intentional bit of self mutilation in the interests of uniqueness.

Don't think that I haven't thought about the benefits to myself of having a similar trait.

There have been opportunities in my life where, for example, being thrown over the handlebars of my bicycle, tripping and hitting an obstruction, falling onto a spiked railing, stabbing myself accidentally with a pencil or many other injury provoking incidents, could have resulted in my own version of the famous Kirk Douglas feature.

However, if you build in a level of cowardice, self preservation and not a little fear of blood or pain it is clear that having my own chin dimple has always been a non starter. I'm not too upset about that.

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