Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Years End

It is the last day of 2014.

It has been quite a year on all levels. I am grateful for that.

As it draws to a close I am troubled by the state of the world which seems to be more in crisis and in more regions than ever before.

It seems a bit petty and selfish to even think about my own Resolutions for the New Year given that they involve cutting back on otherwise plentiful food, giving up luxuries, taking more time to enjoy my home and local area, being nicer to people and more tolerant of others' views and outlooks.

As much of the conflict in the world is because of  shortages, restrictions or inequalities revolving around just the things I am giving up I am appreciative of the privileged position that I enjoy hour upon hour, day to day and week on week.

I wish everyone a peaceful and happy 2015 wherever they may find themselves.

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