Sunday, 28 August 2011

Car Boot Sale

On analysis I have come to the conclusion that I have a fear of car boot sales. It is very easy to make the decision not to load up and go to sell on the basis one or more of the following excuses.
 a) Not enough stock b)Not enough good/crap stock c)No cash float d) No sufficiently sticky labels e)Poor pricing strategy f) Ridiculously early start g)It's raining.
h) creaky hinge on metal cash box i) packed the car but forgot to leave room for pasting table j) Not shaved.
The whole prospect of setting up shop in a field and hawking a cross section of mementos, unwanted gifts, out of favour prints and pictures and, frankly, part of your life is very daunting. I liken the first 30 minutes of public access to the prospect of facing St Peter at The Pearly Gates. "What have you done in your life?"
Well, based on two wooden chopping boards, a DVD player minus remote, a vintage toilet roll holder and a collection of handbags I would expect any interview and Saintly decision to be a very short affair indeed.
Best sellers are practical things, warm clothes, holiday attire, stout shoes, good labels. No shortage of buyers for such things. Impulse buys are next in line with ornaments, small pottery houses, anything with a fairy or angel theme, potential antiques. Avoid toys as children are the worst customers ever unless they are with a parent with access rights for the day. I haggled with a small child over a 1p difference for a quaint wooden trinket box. He said he would think about it. Progress is often slow to meet target expectations or at least a decent return for the day less the pitch fee. Demoralised souls are soon deserting the field of battle and then it is decision time. Return home via the Civic Dump with an empty car or preserve the stock until the next time?

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