Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Lives of Florentine Bikes

Bikes left locked up on the streets of Florence, Italy. Some are evidently in everyday use for commuting and leisure

A few of the tighter corners in the winding Medieval streets leave bicycles at risk from passing traffic

The grass grows quickly in the warm climate and if left for only a few days the bicycles blend into the foliage
Just beyond the old Fort Walls may be seen as a safer daily refuge.

Smarter bicycles are parked so as to be seen and admired, skirt guards are always in vogue

It is as though the frames blend into one another, a fusion of butted alloy tubings

Lock it or lose it is the same in any language, even the lyrical romanticism of native Italian

First Prize in the Competition for neatest Florentine bike park. 

The road rises steeply on the far bank of the Arno River. These bikes are just by the Ponte Vecchio

A family group

A few bicycles make their own way in the world

Some do not

(Florence/ Firenze- May 2014)
        In Memory of my Father, Donald. Amongst his many attributes he valued a good bike.

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