It is not an easy choice.
Sensible shoes or comfortable shoes. Boring shoes or those to reflect a more flamboyant character. Functional versus Fun.
Our actual postings, on and off route will to a certain extent dictate the final decision. Those up the upland and hilly sections of Stage 1 and Stage 2 would be best advised to have a good grip and water resistance whereas on a paved city street a more cushioned soul would be advisable.
I have therefore assembled a gallery of top ten shoes and boots for the great event.
See what you think.
![]() Just right for bog-hopping on Holme Moss |
A bit over the top but then again............
What we would probably be encouraged to wear if entertaining VIP's
most of the Tour Jerseys
Flying the flag.
Good for Wayfinders to stand out.
to see the riders approach
Make sure you've taken these off before reaching your Check-In Locations.
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