Monday 18 November 2019

English Lesson 11

One of the many radio re-runs that I find myself laughing out aloud to is "I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue" which is a very long running improvisational comedy show which over its many decades has featured the very best in comedic and entertainment talent.

A regular feature in the show is the offering by the participants of definitions of words towards the Uxbridge English Dictionary.

For any student of the English Language this must be most confusing as although the donor word is a bona fide one the meaning as described is only intended to elicit laughter or gasps of shock and awe.

I am now up to the letter "K". It's not the most prolific source of combination words and I have had to add a few of my own inventions.

Koala- an all natural Australian rival to Coke

Kleenex- expressing surprise at the improved hygiene of a former partner

Kilobyte- very large portions of food

Kidney Bean- after a major operation

Kerosene- an oil refinery

Karate- what Top Gear do with different models of vehicles

Knighthood- contraceptives for the members of Arthur's Round Table

Knapsack- a sleeping bag

Ketchup- to draw level after initially falling behind

Khaki- a way to start a motor vehicle

Kilometre- means of measuring the death rate

Kinship- a boat owned by a family

Kitten- hit by a kite

Kermit- gloves for a Muppet Frog

Kingdom- a royal birth control method

Kings Cross Station- a royal lobster

Knee Pads- Scottish TV campaign for Turnips

Knackers Yard- enormous underpants

Kaleidoscope- traffic camera at a busy and dangerous junction

Kephalonia- the best person to buy a second hand car from

Kidology- the study of infants

King Post- the Royal Mail

Knick Knack- the most skilled of thiefs

Kremlin- mischievous Russian creature

Krypsis- a favourite snack food of Gollum

Kudos- where cattle sleep

Kook- a Yorkshire chef

Kinky- fetish of being covered with ink

Kaftan- consequence of occupying the outside seating of a pavement eatery in summer

Kebab- winner of a beautiful baby competition

Kidnap- afternoon sleepies in the kindergarten

Kindred- fear of family

Kinfolk- derogatory comment about folk

Knavish- a bit like the sound of a horse

1 comment:

Elly said...

Still laughing at knackers yard!