Tuesday 26 November 2019

Where from or Where at?

I have no regional accent which makes it quite difficult for people to place me.

In fact I have no discernible accent whatsoever which is surprising given that I have lived in Yorkshire for almost 40 of my 56 years.

Prior to my adoption of God's Own County or fully fledged Country as my home I did live a bit of a nomadic and very interesting existence in my formative years.

I was born in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire followed by, when a very young child, family moves to Abingdon in Oxfordshire, Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk , Brigg in North Lincolnshire and as a teenager to Beverley which was the big move into Yorkshire..

The only constant in these flits across the lower part and towards the middle of the United Kingdom and in terms of an influential accent was my parents, themselves originating from Bedfordshire and North East Surrey (now a London Borough). Like them mine is not a posh voice from the South. There is no plummy or pretentious tone.

I have by good fortune avoided having a voice that can put people in their place by pompous bullying or put them down by an attitude of superiority of upbringing and breeding. I am truly of a neutral accent.

Those I get into conversations with in my home area do pick up on the fact that I'm not originally from these parts but seem to be immediately at ease in my company. That is because I actually have three modes of voice and switch seamlessly and effortlessly between them dependant on where I am and who I am with.

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and yes, I am guilty of this but not with any intentions to deceive, act maliciously or to take the piss.

This ability to be a bit of a vocal chameleon continues to serve me well in all sorts of situations, whether at work or just out and about in my local area.

I am frequently reminded of this by my wife and children who cannot always be sure of the identity that I assume in social and other surroundings.

 "Now then" is my most common opening line when meeting someone for the first time and this seems to put everyone at ease straight away.

In my working environment I assume a more authoritative tone but that is to a large part the expectation of me in my Professional capacity. I have to give confidence and reassurance to those using me as an adviser but in a friendly and approachable manner.

I am certainly not alone in that feeling, when running a meeting or asked to contribute to a discussion, that I am a complete fake and fraud and should just not be there in any capacity.

That is where my three voice arsenal comes to my rescue as I can hide behind the impression that a performance, and that is purely what it is- a performance- gives to those around me.

So, I have the local out and about voice and the business voice to fall back on.

The vocal roles do get me out of what could otherwise be awkward and excruciatingly painful situations as I am actually quite a shy and self conscious individual.

I hear my family disputing this assertion as they still contend that I am the most outgoing and gregarious of individuals but yet I know that to be farthest you could possibly get from my true character.

As for my third and favourite voice- well that is just me at home and amongst those that I love and treasure. That’s just me being me.

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